Monday, April 25, 2011

5.6 I can recall what crude oil is made from

Highlight either the blank space within each question or below for the answer.

a. Define the word hydrocarbon?
A hydrocarbon is a compound containing only hydrogen and carbon.
b. Crude oil is a mixture of many hydrocarbons

c. What is crude oil made from?
Tiny animals and plants which lived in the sea
d. How long does it take to make?
Millions of years
e. Where does the energy originally come from?
The sun
f. How is crude oil different from coal?
Coal is not a hydrocarbon, it contains different atoms as well as hydrogen and carbon
g. Crude oil, coal and natural gas are collectively known as fossil fuels

h. How is crude oil transported when it is extracted from the ground?
By pipeline or by an oil tanker

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